Wheatgrass Juices - Detoxify The Body

This brings me to the next tip. Only eat raw desserts. They taste so good, so why even bother with fatty gluten, sugar, and dairy filled desserts? You could have a much healthier version without scarifying taste! There are many raw recipe books these days dedicated to only raw desserts and there are many living food restaurants and caterers from whom you can purchase raw pies and cakes for holidays and special events.

Nutritional supplements like whey protein, flaxseed oil, wheatgerm and WheatGrass Powder make smoothies more nutritionally beneficial. Whey protein provides energy, helps repair muscles and bones, enhances memory and aids in weight loss. Flaxseed has fiber and Omega 3 fatty acids. Both supplements keep the stomach full longer. Wheatgerm is a good source of fiber, Vitamin E and folic acid while wheatgrass powder is a good source of chlorophyll that is also nutritionally beneficial.

Wheatgrass is the young leaf of the wheat plant, before it matures into a grain. It is classed as a vegetable and is packed full of sunlight energy and chlorophyll - the wonderfully nourishing enzyme that gives plants their dark green colour.

Here's a problem. The modern western diet which we all eat is extremely acidic. Processed foods, coffee, fried foods all have an acidifying effect on our systems. Sugars don't have a pH, but once digested metabolize into acids.

You can purchase pre-juiced wheatgrass juice in the freezer section of some health food stores. However, use caution when purchasing these products. Many retailers are not permitted to sell unpasteurized wheatgrass juice. However, the process of pasteurization more info kills all of the nutrients making it worthless as a nutritional supplement.

Some foods don't juice well and should be avoided. For example, foods such as bananas, dates, and strawberries don't contain much juice. I don't recommend juicing rhubarb or buckwheat green sprouts, they contain some toxins that are concentrated in the juices.

It's best to freeze the fruit/s you use beforehand, so your smoothie stays colder and thicker. Fresh fruits give a thinner, juice-like consistency to your smoothies, so if you like them that way, then don't bother freezing your fruit. Before freezing your bananas or melon, chop them into pieces and spread these on a plate so they won't freeze into one big lump.

Buy a good quality green powder with a blend of cereal grasses, such as wheatgrass, kamut, and barely grass and a blend of algaes such as spirulina, chorella, and blue green algae. If you don't have any fresh leafy greens on hand you can always add a spoonful to your smoothie for extra nutrition. Green powders are also very easy to travel with and can be added to smoothies and juices for an extra boost.

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